Metrics Page

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The Metrics page is available for CockroachDB Serverless clusters. To view this page, select a cluster from the Clusters page, and click Metrics in the Monitoring section of the left side navigation. From this page, you can:

Time interval selection

The time interval selector at the top of each tab allows you to filter the view for a predefined or custom time interval. Use the navigation buttons to move to the previous, next, or current time interval. When you select a time interval, the same interval is selected for all charts on the page.

Monitor SQL Activity

On the Monitor SQL Activity tab, you can view the following time series graphs:

Open SQL Transactions

The graph shows the total number of open SQL transactions across the cluster.

See the Transactions page for more details on the transactions.

SQL Statements

  • The graph shows a moving average of the number of SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements per second issued by SQL clients on the cluster.

See the Statements page for more details on the statements.

SQL Statement Latency

SQL statement latency is calculated as the total time in nanoseconds a statement took to complete. This graph shows the p50-p99.99 latencies for statements issued on the cluster.

SQL Open Sessions

This graph shows the total number of SQL client connections across the cluster.

See the Sessions page for more details on the sessions.

SQL Connection Latency

Connection latency is calculated as the time in nanoseconds between when the cluster receives a connection request and establishes the connection to the client, including authentication. This graph shows the p90-p99.99 latencies for SQL connections to the cluster.

SQL Connection Attempts

This graph shows a moving average of new SQL connection attempts to the cluster per second.

Identify SQL Problems

On the Identify SQL Problems tab, you can view the following time series graphs:

Transaction Restarts

This graph shows the number of transactions restarted across the cluster.

See the Transaction Retry Error Reference for details on the errors that caused the transaction to restart.

SQL Statement Errors

This graph shows a moving average of the number of SQL statements that returned a planning, runtime, or retry error across all nodes.

See the Statements page for more details on the cluster's SQL statements.

SQL Statement Full Scans

This graph shows a moving average of the number of statements with full table and index scans across all nodes in the cluster.

Examine the statements that result in full table scans and consider adding secondary indexes.

SQL Statement Contention

This graph shows a moving average of the number of SQL statements that experienced contention across the cluster.

See the Statements page for more details on the cluster's SQL statements.

Create Custom metrics charts

On the Custom tab, you can create one or multiple custom charts showing the time series data for an available metric or combination of metrics.

See the Custom Metrics Chart page for more details.

See also

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