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The UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) data type stores a 128-bit value that is unique across both space and time.


To auto-generate unique row IDs, we recommend using UUID with the gen_random_uuid() function as the default value. See the example below for more details.


A UUID value can be expressed using the following formats:

Format Description
Standard RFC4122-specified format Hyphen-separated groups of 8, 4, 4, 4, 12 hexadecimal digits.

Example: acde070d-8c4c-4f0d-9d8a-162843c10333
With braces The standard RFC4122-specified format with braces.

Example: {acde070d-8c4c-4f0d-9d8a-162843c10333}
As BYTES UUID value specified as bytes.

Example: b'kafef00ddeadbeed'
UUID used as a URN UUID can be used as a Uniform Resource Name (URN). In that case, the format is specified as "urn:uuid:" followed by standard RFC4122-specified format.

Example: urn:uuid:63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656564


A UUID value is 128 bits in width, but the total storage size is likely to be larger due to CockroachDB metadata.


Create a table with manually-entered UUID values

Create a table with UUID in standard RFC4122-specified format

> CREATE TABLE v (token uuid);
> INSERT INTO v VALUES ('63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656562');
|                token                 |
| 63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656562 |
(1 row)

Create a table with UUID in standard RFC4122-specified format with braces

> INSERT INTO v VALUES ('{63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656563}');
|                token                 |
| 63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656562 |
| 63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656563 |
(2 rows)

Create a table with UUID in byte format

> INSERT INTO v VALUES (b'kafef00ddeadbeed');
|                token                 |
| 63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656562 |
| 63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656563 |
| 6b616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656564 |
(3 rows)

Create a table with UUID used as URN

> INSERT INTO v VALUES ('urn:uuid:63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656564');
|                token                 |
| 63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656562 |
| 63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656563 |
| 6b616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656564 |
| 63616665-6630-3064-6465-616462656564 |
(4 rows)

Create a table with auto-generated unique row IDs

To auto-generate unique row IDs, use the UUID column with the gen_random_uuid() function as the default value:

> CREATE TABLE users (
        id UUID NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
        city STRING NOT NULL,
        name STRING NULL,
        address STRING NULL,
        credit_card STRING NULL,
        CONSTRAINT "primary" PRIMARY KEY (city ASC, id ASC),
        FAMILY "primary" (id, city, name, address, credit_card)
> INSERT INTO users (name, city) VALUES ('Petee', 'new york'), ('Eric', 'seattle'), ('Dan', 'seattle');
> SELECT * FROM users;
                   id                  |   city   | name  | address | credit_card
  cf8ee4e2-cd74-449a-b6e6-a0fb2017baa4 | new york | Petee | NULL    | NULL
  2382564e-702f-42d9-a139-b6df535ae00a | seattle  | Eric  | NULL    | NULL
  7d27e40b-263a-4891-b29b-d59135e55650 | seattle  | Dan   | NULL    | NULL
(3 rows)

Alternatively, you can use the BYTES column with the uuid_v4() function as the default value instead:

> CREATE TABLE users2 (
        id BYTES DEFAULT uuid_v4(),
        city STRING NOT NULL,
        name STRING NULL,
        address STRING NULL,
        credit_card STRING NULL,
        CONSTRAINT "primary" PRIMARY KEY (city ASC, id ASC),
        FAMILY "primary" (id, city, name, address, credit_card)
> INSERT INTO users2 (name, city) VALUES ('Anna', 'new york'), ('Jonah', 'seattle'), ('Terry', 'chicago');
> SELECT * FROM users;
                        id                       |   city   | name  | address | credit_card
  4\244\277\323/\261M\007\213\275*\0060\346\025z | chicago  | Terry | NULL    | NULL
  \273*t=u.F\010\274f/}\313\332\373a             | new york | Anna  | NULL    | NULL
  \004\\\364nP\024L)\252\364\222r$\274O0         | seattle  | Jonah | NULL    | NULL
(3 rows)

In either case, generated IDs will be 128-bit, large enough for there to be virtually no chance of generating non-unique values. Also, once the table grows beyond a single key-value range (more than 64MB by default), new IDs will be scattered across all of the table's ranges and, therefore, likely across different nodes. This means that multiple nodes will share in the load.

This approach has the disadvantage of creating a primary key that may not be useful in a query directly, which can require a join with another table or a secondary index.

If it is important for generated IDs to be stored in the same key-value range, you can use an integer type with the unique_rowid() function as the default value, either explicitly or via the SERIAL pseudo-type:

> CREATE TABLE users3 (
        id INT DEFAULT unique_rowid(),
        city STRING NOT NULL,
        name STRING NULL,
        address STRING NULL,
        credit_card STRING NULL,
        CONSTRAINT "primary" PRIMARY KEY (city ASC, id ASC),
        FAMILY "primary" (id, city, name, address, credit_card)
> INSERT INTO users3 (name, city) VALUES ('Blake', 'chicago'), ('Hannah', 'seattle'), ('Bobby', 'seattle');
> SELECT * FROM users3;
          id         |  city   |  name  | address | credit_card
  469048192112197633 | chicago | Blake  | NULL    | NULL
  469048192112263169 | seattle | Hannah | NULL    | NULL
  469048192112295937 | seattle | Bobby  | NULL    | NULL
(3 rows)

Upon insert or upsert, the unique_rowid() function generates a default value from the timestamp and ID of the node executing the insert. Such time-ordered values are likely to be globally unique except in cases where a very large number of IDs (100,000+) are generated per node per second. Also, there can be gaps and the order is not completely guaranteed.

Supported casting and conversion

UUID values can be cast to the following data type:

Type Details
BYTES Requires supported BYTES string format, e.g., b'\141\061\142\062\143\063'.

See also

Data Types

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