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The DROP INDEX statement removes indexes from tables.


The DROP INDEX statement performs a schema change. For more information about how online schema changes work in CockroachDB, see Online Schema Changes.



Required privileges

The user must have the CREATE privilege on each specified table.


Parameter Description
IF EXISTS Drop the named indexes if they exist; if they do not exist, do not return an error.
table_name The name of the table with the index you want to drop. Find table names with SHOW TABLES.
index_name The name of the index you want to drop. Find index names with SHOW INDEX.

You cannot drop a table's primary index.
CASCADE Drop all objects (such as constraints) that depend on the indexes. CASCADE does not list objects it drops, so should be used cautiously.

To drop an index created with CREATE UNIQUE INDEX, you do not need to use CASCADE.
RESTRICT (Default) Do not drop the indexes if any objects (such as constraints) depend on them.
CONCURRENTLY Optional, no-op syntax for PostgreSQL compatibility. All indexes are dropped concurrently in CockroachDB.

Viewing schema changes

This schema change statement is registered as a job. You can view long-running jobs with SHOW JOBS.



The following examples use MovR, a fictional vehicle-sharing application, to demonstrate CockroachDB SQL statements. For more information about the MovR example application and dataset, see MovR: A Global Vehicle-sharing App.

To follow along, run cockroach demo to start a temporary, in-memory cluster with the movr dataset preloaded:

$ cockroach demo

Remove an index with no dependencies


UNIQUE indexes created as part of a CREATE TABLE statement cannot be removed without using CASCADE. Unique indexes created with CREATE INDEX do not have this limitation.

Suppose you create an index on the name and city columns of the users table:

> CREATE INDEX ON users (name, city);
  table_name |     index_name      | non_unique | seq_in_index | column_name | direction | storing | implicit | visible
  users      | users_name_city_idx |     t      |            1 | name        | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_name_city_idx |     t      |            2 | city        | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_name_city_idx |     t      |            3 | id          | ASC       |    f    |    t     |    t
  users      | users_pkey          |     f      |            1 | city        | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey          |     f      |            2 | id          | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey          |     f      |            3 | name        | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey          |     f      |            4 | address     | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey          |     f      |            5 | credit_card | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
(8 rows)

You can drop this index with the DROP INDEX statement:

> DROP INDEX users@users_name_city_idx;
  table_name | index_name | non_unique | seq_in_index | column_name | direction | storing | implicit | visible
  users      | users_pkey |     f      |            1 | city        | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey |     f      |            2 | id          | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey |     f      |            3 | name        | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey |     f      |            4 | address     | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey |     f      |            5 | credit_card | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
(5 rows)

Remove an index and dependent objects with CASCADE


CASCADE drops all dependent objects without listing them, which can lead to inadvertent and difficult-to-recover losses. To avoid potential harm, we recommend dropping objects individually in most cases.

Suppose you create a UNIQUE constraint on the id and name columns of the users table:

> ALTER TABLE users ADD CONSTRAINT id_name_unique UNIQUE (id, name);
> SHOW CONSTRAINTS from users;
  table_name | constraint_name | constraint_type |            details             | validated
  users      | id_name_unique  | UNIQUE          | UNIQUE (id ASC, name ASC)      |     t
  users      | users_pkey      | PRIMARY KEY     | PRIMARY KEY (city ASC, id ASC) |     t
(2 rows)

If no index exists on id and name, CockroachDB automatically creates an index:

> SHOW INDEXES from users;
  table_name |   index_name   | non_unique | seq_in_index | column_name | direction | storing | implicit | visible
  users      | id_name_unique |     f      |            1 | id          | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | id_name_unique |     f      |            2 | name        | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | id_name_unique |     f      |            3 | city        | ASC       |    t    |    t     |    t
  users      | users_pkey     |     f      |            1 | city        | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey     |     f      |            2 | id          | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey     |     f      |            3 | name        | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey     |     f      |            4 | address     | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey     |     f      |            5 | credit_card | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
(8 rows)

The UNIQUE constraint is dependent on the id_name_unique index, so you cannot drop the index with a simple DROP INDEX statement:

> DROP INDEX id_name_unique;
ERROR: index "id_name_unique" is in use as unique constraint
HINT: use CASCADE if you really want to drop it.

To drop an index and its dependent objects, you can use CASCADE:

> DROP INDEX id_name_unique CASCADE;
> SHOW INDEXES from users;
  table_name | index_name | non_unique | seq_in_index | column_name | direction | storing | implicit | visible
  users      | users_pkey |     f      |            1 | city        | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey |     f      |            2 | id          | ASC       |    f    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey |     f      |            3 | name        | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey |     f      |            4 | address     | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
  users      | users_pkey |     f      |            5 | credit_card | N/A       |    t    |    f     |    t
(5 rows)
> SHOW CONSTRAINTS from users;
  table_name | constraint_name | constraint_type |            details             | validated
  users      | users_pkey      | PRIMARY KEY     | PRIMARY KEY (city ASC, id ASC) |   true
(1 row)

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